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- Jerry on Syria? What are we thinking?
- Rachel on Syria? What are we thinking?
- Mike Yassin on Syria? What are we thinking?
- Shawnne on Syria? What are we thinking?
- Me on We have become the Germans
Author Archives: Jerry
Thoughts about watching old movies
If you are a fan of older horror movies, this is probably your favorite time of year. The time leading up to Halloween has become the period when the cable movie channels insert the older horror movies into their schedule. If you … Continue reading
Posted in Old Movies, wierd stuff
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Fairness – left and right
After the government shutdown there has been talk that both sides must compromise. Of course that will probably happen since the system that balances power has been gamed to make the Republicans in the House more powerful than their real … Continue reading
Posted in Economic policy, politics, Post election
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Sometimes the GOP is right, almost.
Sometimes the GOP is right, almost. We are spending too much on a government program initiated to cover an emergency but which ended up having a life of its own. The program I am talking about is the large standing … Continue reading
Syria? What are we thinking?
One wonders what our leaders in Washington are thinking these days? Why are we attacking Syria over chemical weapons? Since when is Syria a threat to the US? Yes, it is a threat to Israel, but that shouldn’t make it … Continue reading
Posted in politics, security
We have become the Germans
No, not the modern efficient pacifists, but the martial tribe who felt that military might was the way to run foreign policy. A few days ago my wife and I were watching a PBS show about a bombing raid against London … Continue reading
Posted in military, politics
Guns, Killing and Male Bravado
Trayvon Martin is dead and George Zimmerman has been found not guilty of a felony. Many people are blaming racism, and there is little doubt that George Zimmerman targeted Trayvon because he was a young black male, but other factors are … Continue reading
Posted in Gun violence, politics
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School Reform
I have been spending a lot of time in the last few months reading about the school reform movement. There is a common understanding in the US that our school system is failing. That begs the question as to what … Continue reading
Posted in Economic policy, education
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Cheap Chinese Junk
My wife decided to get another dog earlier this January. We adopted Molly, a mix breed Lab/Boxer. When our previous dog, Sierra, died, Shawnne threw away some of her accessories, so we needed to purchase new ones. As part of the … Continue reading
Remembrances: photos and family memories.
Yesterday I saw a photo on facebook of one of my relatives, John McKenna (aka Jack) that was posted by his son Steve in remembrance of Father’s Day. Jack was the son of my uncle Frank, my father’s older brother. … Continue reading
Getting Upset With Obama
Should we all be upset with Obama and cry in our chosen beverage (which is a beer in my case)? My initial reaction was to be upset. If I understand it correctly the Obama administration wants to collect phone logs … Continue reading