Category Archives: politics

We have become the Germans

No, not the modern efficient pacifists, but the martial tribe who felt that military might was the way to run foreign policy. A few days ago my wife and I were watching a PBS show about a bombing raid against London … Continue reading

Posted in military, politics | 2 Comments

Guns, Killing and Male Bravado

Trayvon Martin is dead and George Zimmerman has been found not guilty of a felony.  Many people are blaming racism, and there is little doubt that George Zimmerman targeted Trayvon because he was a young black male, but other factors are … Continue reading

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Getting Upset With Obama

Should we all be upset with Obama and cry in our chosen beverage (which is a beer in my case)? My initial reaction was to be upset. If I understand it correctly the Obama administration wants to collect phone logs … Continue reading

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