Romney shoots himself in the foot again.

Mitt Romney is a bitter man. I was going to say stupid but all evidence is that he is not stupid. He is almost totally tone deaf to how he sounds and that can make him appear stupid. He has spent most of adult life as a business manager speaking to people who were his subordinates.  He is not used to having his words judged by people who have the power to say no.  When recordings were made public about how he felt about the ‘47%’ who would never vote for him, he said they were taken out of context.   That didn’t help him though, most people felt that those quotes were the real Romney despite all his protestations. 

Now, only a little more than a week after the election Romney has been caught saying  things that are ever more absurd (did Obama really offer free contraceptives to college women to get out the vote?).    All politicians make promises, and Romney was and is unwilling to examine how his promises to his wealthy supporters looked to others. The Bush tax cuts were a gift to the rich.  The promise of rolling back Wall Street regulation is a gift to the financial industry.  The promise to bulk out the military was a gift to our arms industry. I guess only gifts to the middle class and poor count in Romneyland.

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