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Category Archives: politics
Peace with Iran?
I don’t think anyone whose mind hasn’t been burned out from too many stimulants thinks we have reached peace with Iran. Most of us remember the old Soviet Union and some of us remember a time before we had an … Continue reading
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Hillary or Bernie?
Who should the Democrats pick to run in 2016, Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton? Its quite a long time from now until the nomination is completed, but I don’t think there is anyone who doesn’t think that Hillary Clinton is … Continue reading
Posted in politics, Presidential campaign
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Why I am not a conservative pt 2
I know I am conflating conservatism with the Republican party, but ever since the old Democratic Southern segregationists died off and were replaced by Republicans, the Democrats have had very few conservatives. In the same way the Republican liberals of … Continue reading
Why I am not a conservative pt. 1
I count myself among the Liberals today, even if that term is ill-defined and used more as an insult than anything else. Some people have brought back the old term ‘progressive’, which is not much different in today’s political universe. I … Continue reading
Election losses
The election on November 4th, was a disaster for the Democrats, even if with a Democratic Senate, they weren’t able to pass much legislation anyway. It was a disaster because it shows the continuing weakness of the Democratic party. They … Continue reading
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Making a mess.
It is easy to make a mess and harder to clean it up. Do you think WWII ended in 1945? If you are German probably not. When I was a teenager and quite conservative politically, one constant theme was that … Continue reading
Thoughts About Education Reform
Education reform has become a buzzword, that is a word that is devoid of content. At age 62 I have heard talk about our failing schools all my life. After the Sputnik launch, there was a mad rush to improve science … Continue reading
Posted in Economic policy, education, politics, Uncategorized
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Fairness – left and right
After the government shutdown there has been talk that both sides must compromise. Of course that will probably happen since the system that balances power has been gamed to make the Republicans in the House more powerful than their real … Continue reading
Posted in Economic policy, politics, Post election
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Sometimes the GOP is right, almost.
Sometimes the GOP is right, almost. We are spending too much on a government program initiated to cover an emergency but which ended up having a life of its own. The program I am talking about is the large standing … Continue reading
Syria? What are we thinking?
One wonders what our leaders in Washington are thinking these days? Why are we attacking Syria over chemical weapons? Since when is Syria a threat to the US? Yes, it is a threat to Israel, but that shouldn’t make it … Continue reading
Posted in politics, security