The Mayan Calendar

Now that the dust has settled and we all realize the world is not going to end, it is time to bid a sad farewell to the Mayans and their calendar.  So, as of Friday, we will not see cable stations devote entire banks of time to documentaries about the Mayan calendar and the repercussions.  There was a lot of junk on television but there were some good documentaries on a subject that is worth learning.   I hope Mexico and Guatemala were smart enough to get tourist dollars of this.  I wonder if they realized what a market there is in the Northern countries for authentic myths for ancient cultures.  I am sure they are looking into their prehistory to see if there is anything that can be so easily merchandised, and done so without any expenditure on their part. 

It is a bit too bad that none of the money spent went to the living descendant of the Mayans, who live today and Mexico and Central America.

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The NRA wants to tax us all

The great and wonderful NRA has spoken!  They say that the mass shooting in Newtown, Ct, was caused by the prevalence of violent video games (who knew!).  The great and wonderful NRA cannot admit that the easy availability of large capacity magazines might have something to do with this.  Their solution: armed guards in every school.  Now one must admit that could work, but is that the best solution?  First of all, even that measure would not stop all mass killings.  An armed sniper with the appropriate weapon could shoot at the school from outside, he would not be able to see his victim so perhaps that would  eliminate the more pleasurable aspects for the shooter but he could still kill people.   Need I add that all shooters in the US have been male.  The European solution has been to control the availability of guns.  It is impossible to eliminate all violence but the European record is very good.  Most countries have only single examples of incidents like this, the US has dozens. 

What the NRA proposes  rather than control guns, ammunition or magazines, is an expensive program to place paid armed guards or armed volunteers at schools.  Even if it were possible to do this on a volunteer basis it is an expense, a hidden tax if you will.  Guns are cost money, bullets cost money and time on a target range costs money.  Even if that is all donated, it is a cost that society will have to bare.  In parts of the country with low levels of gun ownership that will be a large extra expense.  It is very odd for an otherwise conservative organization to recommend expensive new programs.   Given who the NRA backers are, it is obvious why they recommend a program that would encourage the sale of even more guns.

The cost of gun control is far less and a far more sensible solution to the problem.

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Gun control in a violent country

The US is a violent country and we are almost completely unwilling to try to do something about it. We treat the 2nd amendment as if it is holy writ.  Charles Blow has a very good piece in today’s NY Times that shows how unusual the US is. The US has a level of gun violence that would fit in perfectly with much of the third world but compared to other developed countries we are off the scale. The gun homicide rate in the US is 4 times any country in Western Europe and it is much higher than the average European country. (Fans of gun ownership often talk about Switzerland and how safe it is there despite all the guns.  Switzerland has the highest gun homicide rate in Western Europe.)

Many gun ownership advocates assume more guns means a safer society.  There is some evidence that an expectation of gun ownership deters some criminals from breaking into occupied dwellings.  In Britain break-ins of occupied dwelllings are much higher than in the US (those break-ins don’t seem to result in violence).  That doesn’t negate the other data that seems to show that more guns means more violence.   Where I half agree with the gun rights advocates is that the US has so many guns already that any attempt at gun control would not make much of an immediate difference.

I don’t know if it would ever be possible to get the gun violence rate in the US down to near European levels. If we passed new gun laws that wouldn’t eliminate the guns already in private hands. Still, we need to do something to stop letting mentally ill young men (it is very rarely women) have access to high powered guns and ammunition.

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More Mass Shootings

We had news of a school shooting on Friday 12/14/2012.   It happened in Newtown, Connecticut.  As of this morning the death total is 26 with 20 of them children. It is a bit unusual that it was an elementary school. It was also unusual in that the guns seem to have been purchased by the first victim, Nancy Lanza, the mother of the shooter. We still don’t have a complete story about the shooter and how he acquired his guns. It does appear that they were acquired legally. CNN has had a sorrow fest for the last few days about this. There is a lot of wringing of hands by politicians and it does appear to be genuine

The gun lobby and their enablers have come out in force. Ross Douthat of the NY Times, wrote an article entitled “Loss of Innocents” and the title is a fair summary of what comes next. It is impossible to shield children from evil. At a certain level he is correct, we cannot shield them from all evil, but shouldn’t we even try to shield them from this?

As a country we talk about freedom but we are oh so willing to restrict freedoms if it serves a purpose. Free speech is hardly unrestricted. We have copyright laws to control what is printed. We have libel laws to punish speech after the fact. We have various laws about pornography, especially child pornography. In an age when images can be easily manipulated there is no self-evident connection between any image and an event. Speech is the first amendment. If we are willing to control speech why are efforts against the second amendment unthinkable?

As far as freedoms not enumerated in the constitution we are very willing to enact all sorts of laws to enforce various ideas seen to be in the public interest. In the 1960’s and 70’s drinking laws in the US were slightly liberalized in a number of states, but during the 1980’s laws were passed that would reduce federal highway funds in state that allowed the purchase of alcohol before age 21. Statistics seem to indicate that this did reduce some drunk driving. What is missing is that way this law has helped make underage drinking in colleges worse that it was in the past. While I don’t support this law, it does indicate an attempt to fix a problem. What is missing here is any attempt to monitor the efficacy of the law.  Still it was a start.

With gun violence we are almost completely unwilling. The Democrats have just about given up. The Republicans are the Jesus and Guns party so anything from them would be a surprise.  Do we really need to have easy access to semi-automatic rifles? Do we need large capacity magazines?  Should it be so easy to buy large amounts of ammunition?

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Goodbye Sierra our dear friend

Sierra in Annandale, NJ, May 28 2003

Sierra in Annandale, NJ, May 28, 2003

Shawnne awoke around 7am today and found our dog Sierra sprawled out on the floor.  She could barely walk. Not a good sign. She had been declining for some time and it was obvious by 2011.  She has had diabetes since 2008,  and for some time she thrived under her insulin treatment but by 2011 she was losing weight again.  She has been partially blind since early 2011, and mostly blind now. That was all  a sympton of the diabetes.  Her hearing had also been declining for a few years.   Last spring she seemed to be suffering from seizures more often than previously but that seemed to be controlled if I could keep her cool when walking.  I carried a spray bottle of water and that seemed to help a lot.  More recently she was suffering from seizures without an obvious connection to her activity or diet.  This morning Shawnne and I decided it was time to end her misery.

She had been part of our life since April of 2000 when we lived in Annandale, NJ.  So she has been on 3 moves with us. She was a few months older than 14 but we never knew her exact age. She has been a good friend to us, particularly when I was away working in Memphis, TN and Shawnne was back in Randall. We will have to survive without her assistance now but I think she has trained us well.

Sierra April 24 2012

Sierra and Shawnne April 24 2012

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Romney shoots himself in the foot again.

Mitt Romney is a bitter man. I was going to say stupid but all evidence is that he is not stupid. He is almost totally tone deaf to how he sounds and that can make him appear stupid. He has spent most of adult life as a business manager speaking to people who were his subordinates.  He is not used to having his words judged by people who have the power to say no.  When recordings were made public about how he felt about the ‘47%’ who would never vote for him, he said they were taken out of context.   That didn’t help him though, most people felt that those quotes were the real Romney despite all his protestations. 

Now, only a little more than a week after the election Romney has been caught saying  things that are ever more absurd (did Obama really offer free contraceptives to college women to get out the vote?).    All politicians make promises, and Romney was and is unwilling to examine how his promises to his wealthy supporters looked to others. The Bush tax cuts were a gift to the rich.  The promise of rolling back Wall Street regulation is a gift to the financial industry.  The promise to bulk out the military was a gift to our arms industry. I guess only gifts to the middle class and poor count in Romneyland.

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Emergency Preparedness and Sandy

Let me preface this by reminding people that I spent most of my life in NJ and I have seen my share of hurricanes and tropical storms.

Hurricane Sandy should be a eye-opener for people in the Northeast. They were woefully unprepared.  Nobody seemed to expect the power outages or the shortage of supplies that should he been expected.  Did anyone remember Katrina?  There was better coordination and the disaster response was fast (they did learn something from Katrina). 

People need to take their own steps to prepare.  There are silly shows on television about people who take emergency preparedness to the extreme but one can learn from them.   In those shows people are always stockpiling guns and ammo.  During this emergency basic law and order never broke down.  Those guns would have been useless.  What did break down was the supply chain, particularly in fuel and water. Many people living in apartments in NYC were living without power and water for a week or more.   This was a very well predicted storm. People could have built up a water store. People should have had edible food.  People should be prepared to live in cold rooms (at this time of year hardly colder than a camper would find outside).   In an apartment it would be hard to find a heat source that is safe.  People should be able to stockpile 20 gallons or more of gasoline for their cars. 

We also need to think about our infrastructure.  Does NYC needs a sea wall?  A lot of petroleum is stored in tank in NJ.   Some of those were damaged during the storm.  This is the kind of thing that is preventable.  There was a documentary called ‘It Can Happen Tommorow’ that show what might happen if a category 3 hurricane hit NYC.  Of course this was an exaggeration, but it should have given city planners ideas on what needs to be upgraded.  Well that upgrade was never made, but perhaps now is the time.

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Republican Blackmail

It is time to stop Republican attempts to win through blackmail, what they cannot win through ordinary politics. The recession was not caused by high taxes. Business decline was not caused by high taxes. Evidence is clear that the US can thrive with much higher tax rates than we have today.  We did so in the 1950’s and in the 1990’s tax increase during Clinton’s term did nothing to hurt the economy.  The Republicans are using the current economic crisis as an excuse to lower any government spending, even spending from Social Security that is already funded.  The deficit came from a foolish tax cut and 2 wars that were unfunded.  During most previous wars the government made some attempt to pay for the wars by raising taxes along with the massive borrowing that was necessary.  The Bush effort to cut taxes was ill-advised when it was proposed and it is unconscionable to keep in effect today.

There is so much wrong with the US tax code.  The current code is loaded with goodies for the wealthy.  Income is income, yet capital gains are taxes at a lower rate than hourly wages.  We need to fix that but fixing that will take time and a will that we don’t seem to have.  US needs to bring down debt, but neither party acknowledges that everyone probably needs a tax increase, not just the wealthy, but in the current environment there is not excuse not to start at the top.

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Happy post-Election Day!

It’s Wednesday afternoon in America November 7th and the good guys won.

I followed the campaign news and all the late polls pointed to an Obama win. Still, I am not an optimist so until the first returns started showing up, I had no idea if I would be celebrating the Obama victory or decrying the stupidity of the electorate. I was surprised at how quickly the results were known. Well, I am celebrating the victory.

In the end Romney was destroyed by the Republican primary system and the need to appeal to the most conservative voters. Romney has governed as a pragmatist but he had to campaign as a conservative. Over 20 debates he tried to create an image of a conservative, ‘severe’ conservative was the phrase he used. He also moved rightward to appeal to the top Republican donors. When it came time to run in the general election he tried to move leftward. Romney was also hurt because nobody believed he was sincere. He was hurt by his own words. He lost Ohio because he condemned the auto industry bailout (at least in print in a recent debate he tried to deny that). He managed to irritate Hispanic voters by saying the should self-deport (oddly in the last few years many have self-deported because jobs have dried up). He is almost totally tone deaf as to how he sounds. His secretly recorded discourse on the ‘47%’ was almost the last straw.

In the 70’s the Republicans understood the numbers and campaigned to those numbers. The modern Democrats now know the score better than the Republicans (no Democrat will mention gun control anymore). The Republicans have become enslaved to the tea-party and to the wealthiest donors. Until the realize elections are about gathering in the voters not appealing to one small group they won’t win again.

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I don’t support our troops

One of the phrases we see every day is  that we must ‘support our troops’.  Some of this is a remembrance of how returning troops were treated when they came home from the Vietnam War and that I can understand. The phrase was created to say that we support our troops even if we don’t support the particular war.  Today though there is an excess of militarism that used to be out of place in our country.

Our politicians today have made the military a sacred cow.  Romney is criticizing Obama for trying to make some sensible cuts to the military.  The US in true military terms is safer than it was been for a generation or more.  Our northern and southern borders are secure from attack.  Western Europe is free of conflict and the threat of Soviet domination is now long gone.  The end of the Soviet empire should have ushered in an era in which of foolish military infatuation would finally end. Today we have the world’s largest military, by far and we have spent the last 11 years at war in the Iraq and Afghanistan.  There were no military objectives in Iraq and there were few in Afghanistan (certainly not enough to be there for 11 years). 

One fact that anyone should know who studies history is that a standing army will be used.  The US spent most of its existence from 1789 to 1940 without a large permanent army.  Even then the US did get into useless wars (see the Mexican war in the  1840’s).  

We need to reduce our military.  We need to stay out of conflicts. If we didn’t have this military albatross around our necks we wouldn’t be tempted by fads such as the Arab Spring or Syria. This would have been the old conservative position before 1960. We should revisit that now and end our military infatuation.

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